Thursday, March 25, 2021

Chanting is not enough

Offer your love to Him 

Mere chanting of Lord’s name is not enough. Offer your love to God. Love is not your property. In fact, it is God’s property. Surrender to God what is His. What is the use of a long life without this offering? You have no right to offer your love to anyone other than God! When you offer all your love to God, He will look after all your needs. There is nothing that He cannot do in this world. In city or in hamlet, in forest or in sky, on the high peak or in the deep ocean, God is everywhere. He pervades space and time. All beings are His forms. Realise this truth, transform it into practice and enjoy bliss. This is true devotion. Embodiments of Love! These days, wherever we go there is unrest, ego, and conflicts. You should develop love and share it with all relatives, friends, and even enemies. Then, everything will be enveloped in love!

 (Thought for the day)


Swami is making us aware that chanting the name of God alone is not enough. We have to offer our love to God.

That is what we do in thinking over his words, we do it because it is a service to him. In the Sai center I had been before, often the fear was in people that by thinking over Swami's words, we could change the meaning. But that is not possible, we do not change the meaning in thinking it over, but by not thinking it over we do change the meaning. Swami's words we have to think over, it is the Atma and that is not just obvious and understood by the mind. Whatever is coming up in our mind when thinking over as we can only see it in our own life, we have no other instrument of experience but that, it is the means to realize it. We follow his words and someone told me it is like surfing on the waves of the ocean, that is great picture. 

We follow his words, we try to understand it right, not wrong and we try to make the best out of it. That is all we can do, there is nothing more we can do, but if we do it regularly we find a way and the wisdom grows on us. He is present in dreams and we follow the master. He said in an interview in words to us: "Follow the master. Fight to the end. Finish the game." 

And then I wondered, how am I going to do that, how can I follow the master? When do we know that it is the master and when it is not the master? And the answer was in doing it. He is and was in dreams and in following that and questioning it we got aware that we follow the master, it is that inner challenge of questioning and getting answers that we follow the master. 

We meditate in the morning with a mantra to purify the mind, we practice for over forty years already.

Mere chanting of Lord’s name is not enough. Offer your love to God. Love is not your property. In fact, it is God’s property.

What Swami is telling us here that love is not ours, but Gods. If we feel love, we offer it to him. It is his love. 

Surrender to God what is His. What is the use of a long life without this offering? You have no right to offer your love to anyone other than God! When you offer all your love to God, He will look after all your needs. There is nothing that He cannot do in this world. In city or in hamlet, in forest or in sky, on the high peak or in the deep ocean, God is everywhere. He pervades space and time. All beings are His forms.

And it is about Soham meditation, we repeat what we have been looking at already again and again, that we are inhaling with So, "He knows", that is everything good we breath in, and we exhale Ham, "I know" that is the ego-feeling and everything bad. 

We talk here about thinking it over and for that we have to be ready to listen to his words, it is listening with attention. 

If the "I know" is there, we will not even look at it, because we think we know it already, what is the biggest obstacle on the spiritual path, thinking we know love. 

We have had an experience of love, but knowing is something else. It doesn't mean we had once an experience of love that we know it, and Swami is talking about pure and divine love. 

Soham, is the mantra of the breath, we breath in God or that is the meaning of all what is good, and “He knows” and we breath out the ego, the meaning is “I know”-feeling, it has to go. 

If we do that regularly our mind gets the message, and we get ready to listen to his words. We breath in “He knows”, we breath out, “I know”, the message is, “I am He”. 

That way we get ready to focus with attention.

It is the power of Veda, whatever we have experienced what was good or not that good, Veda is the message.

And Veda is the sun, and the sun is never affected by the clouds. The clouds are our good and bad experiences we have had, and the result of it is our today’s conditioning, we just try to do our best, more we cannot do. If we have done our best in the moment, there is nothing more that can be done, we do the best in the moment, Karma will take care of the rest. 

Realise this truth, transform it into practice and enjoy bliss. This is true devotion. Embodiments of Love! These days, wherever we go there is unrest, ego, and conflicts. You should develop love and share it with all relatives, friends, and even enemies. Then, everything will be enveloped in love!

 What is the message? Share the love with everybody, family, friends and even enemies.

What is the enemy? 

We had a thought for the day not long ago about it and Swami mentioned as well the enemy, the inner foes.

And that is another thing we have to be careful about, we do not give the answer, he is the knower and he is the giver of the answer. Therefore, we wait until we find it in his words, and then we can think it over. We have to go and look for the thought for the day we had not long ago and will think it over.


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